Tuesday 12 February 2013

For Men, Style Without the Snickers

cotton-candy pink in the armpits.
Your tolerance for unconventional fashion has risen at such an astonishing pace in recent years that it is now curious to watch a Duckie Brown show and think that the designers, Steven Cox and Daniel Silver, are the ones who are normal. These are the same men who gave you billowing pants with an 80-inch waist and sweaters with sleeves that dragged to the ground, ahead of their time, at least until now.
With the arrival of a generation of young men who are taking more risks with their style, at least within the orbit of Fashion Week, Mr. Cox and Mr. Silver are now able to express themselves forcefully, as they did in their fall collection. This was primarily a show of coats, with boxier versions of a bomber, a leather varsity jacket, a duster and the classic camel topper, each with something slightly off, like a nylon track jacket topped with a blue shrug.


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