Pakistani actress and model has rejected the offer to work in Stage shows due to immoral activities to have to go, while if he get a good offer to work in movies he will accept it. Saba Qamar said that I can work in Rafi Peer theatre and anwar masood stage dramas, she said that I know that Pakistani film has got in so trouble due to lack of unity of our people. Saba qamar has recently said on interviewing a private newspaper that Turkish dramas will be high rating in upcoming days.
Saba Qamar is so busy in acting as well as modeling. She worked in last three years in three tele films, balay ki bali, pyar mein twins, and love ki khichi.
Saba qamar also hosting in Famous political comic show “Hum sab umeed se hain”, while discussing on lollywood movies she dinn’t cleary defined her interest in working Bollywood movies.
Saba Qamar has worked in numorous tv Dramas and she si so popular. Her famous Tv Dramas are Tera pyar nahi bhoole, pani jaisa pyar, kash aisa ho, Tinkay, Jinnah k naam etc
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