(NaturalNews) You may not have known it, but keeping your diet primarily alkaline rather than acidic is a much healthier alternative and can add years to your life.
"The human body goes to great lengths to maintain a slightly alkaline PH of 7.35, but poor diet and stress can change the PH to an acidic one in which disease can thrive," says Raw Food Health. You can help your body out tremendously just by adjusting your eating habits.
"Unfortunately many people don't pay much attention to their diet until they experience a major health scare and then, they do so in a desperate attempt to regain their health," adds food lifestyle educator Carol Galanty. "Thankfully, many are able to do so, but it would be so much better all around if diet were treated as a means of preventive medicine before signs of imbalance start to occur."
Here are five reasons to switch to a diet made up primarily of alkaline foods:
Boost your energy dramatically. Tens of millions of Americans consume caffeine (coffee, tea) or so-called "energy drinks" by the gallon each week, despite the known dangers of such products. If you want to boost your energy naturally and safely, stick to an alkaline diet.
That is one composed primarily of alkaline-forming foods like figs, molasses, green, leafy veggies, almonds, beets, dates, celery, cantaloupe and parsley. "In addition to eating these foods, taking one teaspoon of a greens powder every morning mixed into juice or a smoothie can also raise energy" levels, says About.com guide Cathy Wong, a licensed naturopathic doctor and an American College of Nutrition-certified nutrition specialist
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038437_alkaline_diet_healing_energy_levels.html#ixzz2MU7ghZvY
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